It may be easy for drivers in Hot Springs to develop a feeling of invincibility while behind the wheel. They may believe that their driving skills allow them to avoid accidents. While there may certainly be something to be said about the merits of defensive driving, people cannot control the actions of others. Carelessness, recklessness or even a simple lapse in judgment on the part of another on the road can leave seasoned drivers having to deal with serious injuries, or even their families having to deal with their loss.
A Springdale family is currently having to cope with such a loss after one of their own was killed in a collision with another driver. Accident investigators believe that the man’s car was struck by an SUV whose driver failed to yield the right of way at an intersection. The condition of the driver of the SUV was not reported. However, he was cited for careless and prohibited driving along with having no insurance.
As it relates to auto insurance, Arkansas is considered to be a “tort” state. What this means is that when a car accident occurs, those involved must submit claims to the auto insurance company of the driver responsible for the crash. If that driver does not have insurance, then accident victims may be forced to pursue civil action against him or her.
Some may say that such action is pointless given that it will not reverse the effects of what has happened. However, that may not be the intent of those pursuing it. Rather, they may simply need assistance to help fill the emotional and financial void the loved ones they lost left behind. Anyone looking to initiate a lawsuit following a car accident may first want to consult with an attorney.
Source: KNWA “Springdale Man Killed in Two-Car Collision” Raache, Hicham, Mar. 28, 2018